About Me


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This is a website which is designed and developed by THE TECHNICAL TRIVEDI . It is a organization of a large innovative thoughts which is created by my hunger of knowledge . I am a third year student of Polytechnic Deploma in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY . I am trying to collage a enormous creative brains here . This is a plateform for getting effective , efficient and essential knowledge to cultivate a creativity of brain . 
This website provides knowledge by Notes and Questions and also by Tests . Here you'll be get secret concepts of MATHEMATICS , REASONING , PHYSICS , ENGLISH , CHEMISTRY , BIOLOGY and general awareness of INDIAN CULTURE , CONSTITUTION and much more informations about these . 
You can see my social networks which I am providing here for any suggestion , query or problems that you want to inform me . I will try my best to response you . 
My You Tube channel is THE TECHNICAL TRIVEDI .